lundi 27 juin 2016

Trying to create boot animation - what im doing wrong?


Im creating custom boot animation. As a reference im using stock Android 6.0 bootanimation that has 3 parts played as below:

720 720 30
c 1 0 part0
c 0 0 part1
c 1 0 part2

meaning 30fps, part0 plays just 1 time, part1 is looped till device ready and part2 is played once at the end.

I have all my PNG files prepared in a way that allows Android to read and display them (RGB mode, no interlacing, no transparent pixels etc) and i create my file using Boot Animation Factory

I replace original bootanimation why my custom animation and its not working as intended.

Phone plays only part0 of animation and it does it 1 time, then it plays part1 of animation and its looped but phone never plays part2 of animation.


700 700 30
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
p 1 0 part2

I know that first thing to check is to see if part2 PNG files are ok and i did it. I created bootanimations using only part2 and it worked, i created boot animation using only part 1 and part2 and it worked (i didnt even have to rename part1 to part0 and part2 to part1, the files were starting from 00094 something instead of 00000 and yet animation worked)


700 700 30
p 0 0 part1
p 1 0 part2

but as soon as i try to do a 3 part bootanimation it simply skips last folder.

The thing i noticed was that original bootanimation used "c" parameter while Boot Animation Factory uses "p" parameter so i opened zip file on my phone and edited desc.txt replacing p with c but after that boot animation stopped showing at all.

What am I doing wrong? Everything says it should work. The PNG files are right (tested part2 separately or combined with part1 and part0 combined with part1). 2 part animation works with part2 included.

I do my desc.txt file exactly same as stock android animation. I even tried to modify stock android animation and just replace graphics there with mine and its not working.

Im attaching that im working on, any help will be appreciated.

Attached Files
File Type: zip - [Click for QR Code] (10.88 MB)

from xda-developers

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