jeudi 30 juin 2016

Dumb Problem with Alarms and other Sounds

I feel pretty foolish for not being able to figure this out, but I've exhausted my store of ideas.

I can't change the sound for alarms, ringtones, or notifications. I have been fighting with this all day today, and went so far as doing a factory reset, which was a massive pain. The grand finale is that I STILL can't change it.

Any time I click the sound option in alarms, I can navigate through the files on my phone and "click" an mp3. This brings me back to the alarm options page as if it were a success, but "morning flower" is still the sound it displays and I'm assuming it's the name of the sound I hear when the alarm sounds (it's an annoying jingle).

What is worse, my ringtone is now a horrific beeping and any time I try changing it I have exactly the same end result: the song selection seems like it worked, but the ringtone is called "beep once" and sure enough it just beeps (but not only once). With notifications when I select a song the name is "default notification sound (media)," but the phone only vibrates (and yes I did make sure the sound was up).

I feel like I'm 95 and have picked up a smart phone for the first time ever, because I'm utterly baffled and no matter what I do the thing seems to be ignoring and defying me on this issue. In short, wtf?

I've only noticed these kinds of problems since I bought an o2 prepaid sim for my trip to Germany, which I had to fight against Verizon's bloatware and such in order to use. I've been using package disabler pro to kill VZW's slimy influence; is it possible that one of those apps controls media access somehow? Also, could Amaze file manager be somehow incompatible with the settings? I'm really frustrated and I'm not able to find a satisfying ad-free app that can take care of this stuff without being thwarted. What should I do here?

from xda-developers

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