jeudi 22 septembre 2016

Installing Magisk on Lollipop 5.0 - Paradox?

Ok, so here is an explanation of what I have going on here. My ultimate goal is to install Magisk on my phone (Running Kitkat 4.4) . I have learned that in order to do that, I need to install a custom recovery on my phone. I have learned that normal custom recoveries cannot be installed on AT&T phones because they have double locked bootloaders or something of that nature, but that Safestrap can work around it. So after finding all that out I successfully installed Safestrap then went on to install Magisk, but when I tried to install the zip, I was told that it is only compatible with Android 5.0 minimum. Fast-forward, I install Lollipop 5.0 on my phone successfully. I then go back and install safestrap, however it appears that it is now not compatible with my upgraded kernel and will not show me the custom recovery on startup... So it seems as if Safestrap will only work for me on Kitkat, but what I need it to do I can only do on Lollipop. Am I simply out of luck, or is there some cleaver way around this?

I appreciate any help I can get on the matter.

from xda-developers

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