lundi 16 mai 2016

[Guide] Convert US Unlocked to Verizon Variant (w/ proper IMS/hd Voice/Wifi Calling!)

I've been asked by lots of folks on how to convert the HTC 10 unlocked US version into a full-featured Verizon version so I figured i'd write an all encompassing guide on how to complete the process.

After following this guide, your phone will effectively be a fully-functioning Verizon variant. IMS, advanced calling, wifi calling and all other Verizon features will work flawlessly!

Note: I am purely compiling this information. I had no part in discovering this process, I simply followed multiple guides and other random posts on XDA to accomplish this! Credits go to @jcase, @beaups, @dottat, and any others that were involved with testing this process. Please make sure to thank these guys for the work they've done.

Step 1: Unlock bootloader and acquire s-off

In order to modify the CID/MID and change the radio, we must first acquire s-off. The easiest way to do this is to follow jcase's well-written guide.

[Guide] Root (Optionally s-off) and Keep your radio working

Move on to step 2 after finishing the above guide to completion.

Step 2: Change CID and MID
  • 2a) Download this link, and extract into your directory of choice
  • 2b) Boot your phone into download mode via the button combo (down + power) or by using adb reboot-bootloader with USB debugging turned on and then selecting download mode
  • 2c) Issue the following command while in download mode:


    htc_fastboot oem writecid VZW__001
  • 2d) Issue the following command while in download mode:


    htc_fastboot oem writemid 2PS650000
  • 2e) Reboot phone back into download mode and verify the CID and MID have changed and are correct.
Step 3: Flash Verizon RUU to phone

Now that we have s-off, unlocked bootloader and the proper CID/MID on our device, now we just need the Verizon stock ROM and radio on our device. The Verizon RUU will handle both of these for us in a relatively hassle-free manner.
  • 3a) Download the following .exe file to your local machine (big thanks to @dottat!)
    Verizon Stock RUU exe (dottat)
  • 3b) Boot phone into download mode (or Android OS w/ USB debugging enabled) and run the executable file
  • 3c) Follow onscreen instructions and wait for process to finish
  • 3d) Reboot phone (it may take a while to boot so BE PATIENT! mine took about 4-5 minutes if I recall)

After your phone boots, it will be a fully functioning Verizon phone. At this point, you can go activate your phone and it will work. You will be able to take Verizon official OTAs and it will behave identically to the true Verizon variant due to the RUU re-flashing stock recovery and an unmodified system.

OPTIONAL -- Step 4: Re-root phone

The RUU that you deployed on your phone was an unrooted system image with stock recovery. In order to get root back, you will need to re-do steps 1-10 in jcases's Root/s-off guide from step 1.

Here's the link again in case you're too lazy to scroll back up :p

[Guide] Root (Optionally s-off) and Keep your radio working

Reminder: your phone already has s-off so you ONLY NEED TO DO STEPS 1-10! Running Sunshine again will likely just report that your phone already has s-off so no worries if you accidentally do the entire guide again.

Step 5: Activate your phone

This step can be very straightforward or a moderate pain the ass depending on what you have available to you.

There are two ways to activate the HTC 10 now that it's running stock Verizon firmware/software:

1) Pop an existing, activated nano-SIM with your current phone number on it in the device and reboot. Voila!

2) Take your device to a Verizon store and convince the employee that your phone is in fact, a true Verizon phone.

I would highly suggest using an already active nano-SIM if you have that available. I, unfortunately, did not as I was coming from the Verizon LG G4. I had to go three different Verizon stores to convince them to finally activate the device. Your IMEI on your unlocked 10 will not show up in Verizon's IMEI database. The store clerk actually had to pull an IMEI from a display model HTC 10 so that she could get the nano-SIM activated for my 10.

from xda-developers

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