jeudi 28 avril 2016

Help - Bricked M9 - yes my fault come read and laugh (and help)

Hi all, I need help with a big big problem.. Long story short, I bricked the phone. I think it's gone forever but I'm trying to ask here if someone got ideas.
First I want to say I got another M9 rooted, custom rom installed etc and got no problems, but I did it long time ago, with older methods, while now I tried using Windroid Toolkit (
Here's the story:
- Unlocked phone via HTCdev ==> OK and everything worked;
- Downloaded and installed Windroid Toolkit, and with this installed TWRP 3.0.0 ==> OK and everything worked;
- Always via Windroid toolkit installed SuperSU ==> Windroid Toolkit sends you in recovery TWRP and you select the right file. Installation completed ok, but when I rebooted phone, it went in loop: showed start white screen with HTC logo and red text ("This build is for development bla bla bla") for X seconds, then reboot, and so on forever.
At that point I was still safe because I could still enter bootloader/ recovery etc, BUT... Don't ask how, don't ask why :crying: :crying: :crying: , shame on me I entered recovery / ADVANCED/ WIPE and wiped: dalvik cache, cache, system, data, internal storage... ( yes I know.. total stupidity :silly: ).
So now I am stuck at white screen with HTC logo and red text. I cannot reboot, I cannot even switch off phone keeping POWER button pressed! ("yeah you moron, you deleted os!" I know I know..).
If I connect phone to PC i hear the USB Windows sound but giving "adb devices" says "List of devices attached" like nothing is connected.
Also tried with RUU.exe but nothing (first version I found for M9, it is just to tell you it cannot see the device "Ensure your device is connected to USB").
Now I am waiting for the phone to run out of battery so I can try to VOL DOWN + POWER btn but I have no hope...
So in the end, do you have some idea?
I am very angry because I always rooted and installed custom roms, starting from HTC Diamond, always bought only HTCs and never had a problem, now I did this bulls**t with the phone I bought as gift for my father..
Thanks everyone any help will be appreciated.

from xda-developers

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